Symposium on hazardous substances & risk assessment

27th GeSi³ Conference 2024 - Live in Würzburg or ONLINE

This event is suitable as further training for occupational safety specialists within the meaning of § 5 Para.
3 ASiG.
It is recognized by the Verband Deutscher Sicherheitsingenieure e.V. (VDSI) (Association of German Safety Engineers) and is awarded 2 further training points.

LIVE in Würzburg or ONLINE?

Simply better management of hazardous substances and risk assessments.

LIVE in Würzburg or ONLINE?


Only a 10-minute walk from Würzburg main station:

Novum Würzburg

Schweinfurter Straße 11
97080 Würzburg
Tel.: 0931 / 730 40 70


In the neighboring GHOTEL there is a room contingent on "GeSi Software" until 31.07.2024.
Rooms can be requested under the following contact details:
Phone: 0931 / 359 620

Other hotels in the vicinity

Hotel Amberger
Please inquire about available capacities in good time!

Dorint Hotel
Please inquire about available capacities in good time!

Evening program

You are cordially invited to the evening event!

25.09.2024 Eve
18:00h – 22:00h
Evening supporting program
You are cordially invited


26.09.2024 Lectures / Topics Speakers
Welcome and getting to know each other

Dipl.-Math. Petra Feitsch
Managing Director GeSi Software GmbH


The new intranet portal for company-wide access to GeSi³ data
Simple, flexible and international access to hazardous substance information and risk assessments

Dr. Dieter Feitsch
Head of Development, GeSi Software

Fabian Feitsch M.Sc.
(Computer Science)

Head of Development GeSi4, GeSi Software


The most important news from hazardous substances legislation
national and from the EU

Benedikt Schäd M.Sc.

Support/product training, GeSi Software


Coffee break


Get more out of GeSi³ – leverage unused potential in hazardous substance management
Part 1: Operating areas according to the Hazardous Incident Ordinance, hazard levels according to AwSV

Philip Stefl M.Sc.
(Chemical Engineer)

Product development/technical support, GeSi Software GmbH


Part 2: Occupational health care

Dr. Dieter Feitsch
Consultant Occupational Physician
GeSi Software GmbH


We create a live hazardous substance risk assessment
You send us your example, we assess it.

Dr. Dieter Feitsch
Consultant Occupational Physician
GeSi Software GmbH




Developing a safety culture
How can managers develop a safety mindset?

Anna Ganzke
Managing Director WandelWerker Consulting GmbH,
Safety culture expert


News from SDBcheck®
New developments and expansion of premium accounts

Benedikt Schäd M.Sc.

Support/product training, GeSi Software


GeSi³ and SDBcheck®- time for your user requirements

Moderation Dipl.-Math. Petra Feitsch
Managing Director GeSi Software GmbH


Coffee break


Best practice for risk assessment
System change for risk assessments

Short presentation GeSi³ users


The right framework for your risk assessment:
The new “framework documents” from GeSi³ for clarity and legal certainty.

Dr. Dieter Feitsch
Consultant Occupational Physician
GeSi Software GmbH


Conclusion and summary
27th GeSi symposium

Dipl.-Math. Petra Feitsch
Managing Director GeSi Software GmbH


Happy ending

The program is also available as a pdf file.

Speakers at the 27th GeSi³ Conference 2024

The following speakers will contribute to the 27th GeSi³ Conference 2023.
Note: The list of speakers is still being expanded.

Petra Feitsch

Managing Director
GeSi Software GmbH

Dr. Dieter Feitsch

Head of Software Development
GeSi Software GmbH

Philip Stefl

Regulatory compliance expert
GeSi Software GmbH

Benedikt Schäd

Support/product training
GeSi Software GmbH

Fabian Feitsch

Head of Development GeSi4
GeSi Software GmbH

Anna Ganzke

Managing Director WandelWerker Consulting GmbH
Expert in safety culture and safety mindset

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Impressions of previous conferences

Registration for the 27th GeSi³ symposium on 26.09.2024

Our conditions: If you cancel later than 3 weeks before the event, we will charge the full participation fee, otherwise 80% of the participation fee.
You can also nominate a substitute participant.
We reserve the right to make changes to the program.