On the way to becoming an SDB-Profi

The online training course for successfully creating and managing your safety data sheets with GeSi

Do you want to be able to create your safety data sheets quickly and legally compliant?

With GeSi’s online training program, you will learn everything you need to get started with automated safety data sheet management using the GeSi³ software.
In particular, you will learn the technique of creating a multilingual safety data sheet so that you can pass on the data sheets you have created directly to your customers in other EU countries without hiring a translation agency.

Proven training method combining theory and practice

Three components for sustainable knowledge transfer

In five modules over two training days, we will teach you the technical basics of legally compliant safety data sheet creation with the GeSi³ SDB-Profi software.
In particular, you will learn the technique of creating a multilingual safety data sheet so that you can pass on the created data sheets directly to your customers in other EU countries without having to hire a translation agency.

1st training day

Module 1: Record

Module 2:
Classification and labeling according to GHS

Today you will receive exercises to consolidate what you have learned

2nd training day

Module 3:
Tox and ecotox data

Module 4:
Technique of multilingualism

Module 5:
Updating the safety data sheets


We discuss the results of the practical exercises and clarify open questions from the application.

When would you like to start the SDB training?

Are you interested in in-house training?
We will be happy to make you an individual offer.

Each online training program consists of three dates and includes two half-day training days plus a follow-up session.
If you are unable to attend one of the individual dates, please contact us.

The training modules in detail

Module 1: Recording the recipe

The workflow begins with your recipe, which may contain raw materials or purchased mixtures.

You learn:

  • what you as a downstream user must observe in accordance with the REACH Regulation
  • how to check the plausibility of your supplier safety data sheets for premixes with SDBcheck®
  • how to automatically import your supplier safety data sheets for raw materials and mixtures into GeSi³ via SDBcheck® and thus record your recipe components
  • how products are classified and labeled according to GHS (GHS hazard classes)
  • how to use legal classifications according to Annex VI CLP Regulation No. 1272/2008 and co-applicable legal classifications
Module 2: Classification and labeling according to GHS

The core of the safety data sheet is section 2 with classification and labeling of the mixture.

You learn:

  • How to classify your mixture automatically with the classification assistant
  • how the label is determined from the classification
  • which GHS hazard classes cannot be "calculated"
  • how to carry out the dangerous goods classification for your mixture
  • how to create a safety data sheet from the formulation
Module 3: Tox and ecotox data

Toxicological and ecotoxicological data of the ingredients have an impact on the mixture classification.

You learn:

  • How tox and ecotox data influence mixture classification
  • from which sources tox and ecotox data come
  • how to maintain and update the substance-related data in GeSi³
Module 4: Technique of multilingualism

For your foreign customers you need the safety data sheet in the respective official language.

You learn:

  • how to use the phrases of the European phrase library eSDSphrac (formerly EuPhraC)
  • how to work with individual phrases
  • how to create a safety data sheet in a specific language for a specific country
  • how to customize the layout for the safety data sheet
  • how to version and thus archive the safety data sheet
  • What other support GeSi³ offers
Module 5: Updating the safety data sheets

Creating the safety data sheet is only the first step, after that it is important that your safety data sheets are always kept up to date.

You learn:

  • how to keep your safety data sheets up to date with the formulation alarm
  • How GeSi³ automatically recognizes and displays changes in the safety data sheet
  • how to use the dashboard to identify the need for updates

Book your online training package now

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GeSi Software GmbH


Head of Software Development
GeSi Software GmbH


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GeSi Software GmbH


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GeSi Software GmbH