The tasks of a hazardous substances advisor

In most companies, there are one or more persons who are appointed as hazardous substance advisors. The tasks of a hazardous substance advisor are varied and extensive. In this blog post, I would like to go into more detail about the individual tasks and activities.

Where does the term hazardous substances advisor come from?

The Hazardous Substances Ordinance (ger. Gefahrstoffverordnung)  [1] specifies what must be observed when working with hazardous substances. This is a German law and therefore refers to working with hazardous substances in Germany. Other countries have their own legal texts that regulate this. The Hazardous Substances Ordinance results, for example, in the obligation to prepare a risk assessment and an operating instruction. In both cases, the responsibility lies with the employer. The employer must ensure that the documents are prepared and that the employees are instructed. However, the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances is very general. To obtain more detailed information, it is worth taking a look at the relevant Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances (TRGS) (currently only available in German). For example, in TRGS 400 [2] you will find more detailed information on what must be observed in the hazardous substance risk assessment.

The advisory function

As just mentioned, the responsibility for the various duties arising from the Hazardous Substances Ordinance lies with the employer. The employer must determine whether activities involving hazardous substances are being carried out or whether hazardous substances may arise during an activity. He is responsible for carrying out the risk assessment and also for other duties, such as drawing up the operating instructions. He can obtain expert advice and support – this is where the Hazardous Substances Advisor comes into play. Among other things, he or she serves as the contact person for employers and employees when it comes to handling hazardous substances. Organizational tasks, such as drawing up the RA and instructing employees, are also part of the job. After all, it is usually not possible for employers themselves to deal with these issues, either in terms of time or expertise.


The tasks of a hazardous substance safety advisor are manifold. He advises the employer, is constantly available to employees for questions about hazardous substances and for many other tasks. The hazardous substance risk assessment must be carried out. The contents of the assessment must be included in the operating instructions. The templates of the chemical law must be known and adhered to. Other points such as the storage of hazardous substances or the behavior in the event of accidents are also part of a hazardous substance safety advisor’s area of responsibility.


[1]        Ordinance on Protection against Hazardous Substances (GefStoffV), as of 07/2021

[2]        Technical Rules for Hazardous Substances, TRGS 400, version 08.09.2017, BAuA website.

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