Fire and explosion hazard with hazardous substances (Part 2 of 2)

It is important to be able to assess the fire and explosion hazards posed by the hazardous substances used. This is in order to design a safe working environment. In the first part of this series, I already discussed recognisability through classification, labelling and other sources. In this article I will look at references in other sections of the safety data sheet.

Fire-fighting measures and protective equipment

Section 5 of the safety data sheet may also contain information about a possible fire / explosion hazard. In particular, the section “Hazardous combustion products” might contain important information on the hazard of fire and explosion.

In section 8.2 you will find advice on which personal protective equipment and which technical control devices are useful. Here, too, you may find information about the risk of fire and explosion.

Extensive but useful: physical and chemical properties

Section 9 deals with the specification of certain properties and, more recently in the EU, characteristic values that can be very helpful in assessing the hazard of fire and explosion.

The easiest way to consider explosion limits is to specify them. Because: If explosion limits exist, then logically there is also a fire/explosion hazard.

The flash point in connection with the vapour pressure also give indications on flammability. In general, if the flash point is given, then the substances are also flammable. The lower the flash point and the higher the vapour pressure, the more dangerous the substance is in terms of fire and explosion hazard.

In the new sections 9.2.1 and 9.2.2, you can also find further guidance on flammability and explosiveness, but these sections are still rather rare.

Section 10 also gives a good indication with the stability and reactivity of the substance under consideration. In the case of dangerous goods (section 14), the hazard labels can also refer to these properties by means of the flame / explosion symbol. Whereas a safety data sheet would not be plausible if only information on flammability / explosiveness were to be found in section 14.


[1]        Regulation (EG) Nr. 1907/2006 (REACH-VO), consolidated version of 08.01.2022

[2]        Tip: BAuA internet presence on fire and explosion hazards, German, accessed on 17.01.2022

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