Substitution check for hazardous substances

When working with hazardous substances, a company has a number of obligations. For Germany, these obligations are listed in the GefStoffV [1] and include the obligation to carry out a risk assessment. Part of the risk assessment is to evaluate the possibilities for substitution. We have already given you an overview of the substitution check in a previous blog post (currently only available in german). Today I would like to talk about why you need to check for substitution in the first place and how you can be supported in doing so.

The aim

Within the framework of the risk assessment, you have to determine whether there is a hazard in the handling of hazardous substances. The result can also be that there is only a low risk (currently only available in german) in the activity. In this case, no further measures, i.e. no substitution check, are necessary. For all other activities, it must be checked whether the hazardous substance and/or process can be replaced. The aim behind this is, of course, to reduce the risk to workers. At the same time, however, this should not lead to increased vulnerability in other areas, e.g. environmental protection. Different properties of the hazardous substance are considered, for example the fire and explosion hazard or CMR properties.

No substitution possible – what now?

It is obligatory to check for substitution possibilities. The result can therefore also be that no substitution is possible. Reasons for this are, for example, a lack of technical possibilities or certain product properties that cannot be achieved with alternative substances. In such cases, this must be documented as part of the risk assessment. Furthermore, there are measures that must be implemented and followed when working with the hazardous substance. For example, hazardous substances should be used in closed systems, with an extraction system or gloves should be worn.

Substitution assistance

Deciding whether a hazardous substance can be substituted, and if so, by what, is often not that easy. Ultimately, many properties of the hazardous substances must be compared with each other as straightforwardly as possible. For Germany, the TRGS 600 [2] provides you with an aid: the column model. This enables a quick comparison of hazardous substances in terms of relevant information. Considered are, for example, acute health hazards or environmental hazards emanating from the hazardous substance. In the upcoming blog posts, I will go into the column model in more detail and shed light on its application and benefits. Hazardous substance comparison is also integrated in our GeSi³ software solution where you can compare up to ten hazardous substances at once with the GefStoff-Profi product line. This will help you get off to a good start in your substitution check.


[1]        GefStoffV

[2]        Technische Regeln für Gefahrstoffe, TRGS 600, Version 27.07.2020, BAuA

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